
Training in managerial innovation

Training individual and group dynamics


  • Coach-me! Manager-coach posture and managerial innovation

  • All cooperative! Learn how to manage and animate collaborative meetings

  • All creative! Managerial approaches to stimulate the creative intelligence and innovation capacity of employees

  • All smart! How to manage remote or mixed teams

  • All agile! Know how to facilitate agile techniques (quick, concrete, and engaging) to animate problem-solving and decision-making workshops.

  • All agile in remote! Know how to facilitate collaborative sessions at a distance

  • Brick-Thinkers: Facilitating a group with Lego® bricks to stimulate systemic and relational intelligence

  • Polarity-Thinkers: learning how to manage complex situations with contradictory characteristics (coexistence of control/autonomy; freedom/structure, reason/emotion) to accompany the team in their daily management

  • Ludo-Thinkers: Learning how to build and facilitate pedagogical games for meetings and trainings

  • Brain-control on stress and change: understanding our internal mechanisms and leveraging our talents to turn the unexpected into opportunities.

  • Gamification and dynamization of your training modules

  • Playful-interactive training based on your content or in collaboration with your experts

Play 'n' Be - Nadia Benedetti - Training in managerial innovation

Training in managerial innovation

  • Coach-me! Manager-coach posture and managerial innovation

  • All creative! Managerial approaches to stimulate the creative intelligence and innovation capacity of employees

  • All smart! How to manage remote or mixed teams

  • All agile! Know how to facilitate agile techniques (quick, concrete, and engaging) to animate problem-solving and decision-making workshops.

  • All agile in remote! Know how to facilitate collaborative sessions at a distance

Play 'n' Be - Nadia Benedetti - Training individual and group dynamics

Training individual and group dynamics

  • All cooperative! Learn how to manage and animate collaborative meetings

  • Brick-Thinkers: Facilitating a group with Lego® bricks to stimulate systemic and relational intelligence

  • Polarity-Thinkers: learning how to manage complex situations with contradictory characteristics (coexistence of control/autonomy; freedom/structure, reason/emotion) to accompany the team in their daily management

  • Ludo-Thinkers: Learning how to build and facilitate pedagogical games for meetings and trainings

  • Brain-control on stress and change: understanding our internal mechanisms and leveraging our talents to turn the unexpected into opportunities.

Play 'n' Be - Nadia Benedetti - Tailor-made formations

Tailor-made trainings

  • Gamification and dynamization of your training modules

  • Playful-interactive training based on your content or in collaboration with your experts


  • Managers

  • Team leaders

  • Project managers

  • Occasional internal trainers

  • Collaborators (Brain-control training)


Brainstorming, Creative Problem Solving, Storytelling, NLP, Neurocognitive approach, Photo-language, Jolts (rapid change games), Thiagi framework and thematic games, LEGO Education approach, active and experiential pedagogy, Polarity thinking. .


#management #stress #coach #communication #managerial innovation #collaboration #creativity #sonftskills #innovation #facilitation #smartworking #emotionalintelligence #collectiveintelligence #systemic #problemsolving #decisionmaking #agility #seriousplay #seriousgame #training #engagement

Our assets

  • The global vision of the strategic needs, the detailed analysis of the operational objectives, up to implementation

  • The ability to combine training, coaching and consultancy in a tailor-made approach

  • The continuous research of the latest innovative methods

  • The ability to communicate with interlocutors of different levels

  • The ambition to put the employee experience at the heart of the process

  • Many years of playful learning practice at the LEGO Education group, a leader in research in the sector

Your benefits

  • Increasing learning capacity across language, cultural and intergenerational barriers

  • Learn how to optimize the cost of working groups through more active and dynamic participation

  • Playing simultaneously on the three levers of performance (knowledge, motivation, environment)

Contact us for a project that suits your needs and meets your expectations!

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    Playnbe: facilitazione e formazione

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    Playnbe: facilitazione e formazione

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