
The facilitation helps teams to identify new solutions together, with more commitment to the implementation.
It leverages in a quick and structured way the collective and creative intelligence of the team, developing decision-making, and risk-taking.
Facilitating workgroups promotes the growth of employees and engagement with the organization.

“We know how to solve real problems but when it comes to strategy we get lost”

“We would like to develop our leadership and autonomy”

“It would be nice to use our creativity to improve practices or innovate”

“We would like to learn how to handle ambiguous contexts and unpredictable situations”

If you identify yourself in any of these statements this offer is for you!



  • Creative Problem Solving Sessions to solve a problem quickly and effectively

  • Seminars or workshops in creative intelligence mode, to define new strategies for the organization

  • Facilitations with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method to manage complex projects through the systemic approach

  • Facilitations with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method to simulate scenarios and assume controlled risks in dynamic contexts

  • Exploratory games sessions to learn by trial and error, facilitate decision-marking, individual and collective risk-taking and create an innovative culture

We propose targeted interventions on a specific problem, or structured paths that consider the team globally and in its organizational context.

If you want to go further, explore the innovation coaching section

If you feel that your team lacks something else, explore the team coaching section

If you need to increase management skills, explore the training


If you identify yourself in any of these statements this offer is for you!

Interested public

  • operations teams

  • project and crossfunctional teams

  • leading team


Systemic Approach, Neurolinguistic Programming, Neurocognitive Approach, Polarity Thinking, Role Playing, Competition Games, Collaborative Games, Improvisation Games, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, Design Thinking, Liberating Structures, Gamestorming, Design Sprint.


#collectiveintelligence #collaboration #systemicintelligence #responsibility #autonomy #experimentation #engagement #agility #creativity #innovation #strategy #empowerment #designthinking

Our assets

  • A resolutely pragmatic approach (learning by doing)

  • The ability to combine training, coaching and consultancy in a tailor-made approach

  • The consolidated experience of the problems of small and large companies

  • The ambition to put the employee experience at the heart of the process

Your benefits

  • Increase in the same session, company knowledge, strategic know-how and skills, saving on training and coaching costs

  • Promoting learning agility, experimentation, the value of error as feedback

  • Create a creative culture for continuous innovation

  • Experiment in a virtual way before deciding how to invest resources

What are we NOT doing with play?

We do not do boardgame-based workshops with specific operational objectives, because our expertise is on soft skills. We do not do escape games because they require an organization less suited to our ‘here and now’ approach depending on the group.

Contact us for a project that suits your needs and meets your expectations!

Keep in touch

If you have questions or want to learn more

Stay tuned

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Playnbe: facilitazione e formazione

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Playnbe: facilitazione e formazione

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