Play & Learn the Design Thinking approach

Play & Learn the Design Thinking approach

✌ With creative playfulness, we rock! We delivered a one-day ‘test and learn’ experience about Design Thinking! And it was great! 🤌 Which recipe did we follow? 👉Take 11 consultants and managers of 9 nationalities working in a mining supply chain leading...


There was a time when it was good to break the ice by doing a speaking tour. For 15 to 30 minutes, it was all about stressing out before your turn (what am I going to say, how?) and de-stressing afterwards (OUF it’s over). At the end, few people had listened and...
Professor Game invites Playnbe

Professor Game invites Playnbe

In this episode of Professor Game I present my work as a Playnbe facilitator. You will discover: ✅ Some tips for making your workshop a success. ❌ A few steps to make your workshop a disaster 💡 How the playful side helps increase creativity to “do it...

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Playnbe: facilitazione e formazione

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Playnbe: facilitazione e formazione

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