Approaches and methods

– Playful paths customized according to your specific goals –

We want to meet the specific needs of each team and organization in the best way. This is why we combine innovative and well-established approaches for individuals, teams and companies.

Their association is functional to the organizational culture and seeks the most suitable tools. The purpose is to simultaneously accompany individual and group dynamics towards the achievement of the objective, while involving everyone.

Four main approaches and different techniques to serve performance

Playful learning, creativity techniques and Creative Problem Solving

Learning-by-doing playfully, building the creative intelligence of the team and solving problems in an innovative, relevant, and realistic way


LEGO® SERIOUSPLAY® and team dynamics

A set of facilitation techniques based on the use of the most famous brick in the world, to speed up reflection and decision making through better team dynamics

Game Thinking and Innovation Management

An innovative approach to product and innovation management that helps you develop new products faster and better

Neuocognitive approach and personal development techniques (Polarity Thinking, NLP)

Systemic approaches that improve behavioral agility, well-being, professional excellence, and personal development

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    Playnbe: facilitazione e formazione

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