Overworked and out of breath?

Do you want to increase your leadership or regain motivation for work?

Do you need to revitalise your professional life, but don’t know how to do it?

Does un anachieved project in the drawer wake you up every night?

If you identify yourself in one of these statements, then BrickCoaching® is for you!

PLAY and BUILD a new project one brick at a time!

Coaching is an accompanying activity based on the dialogue between the client and his coach. It allows the client to find the solution best suited to his skills, his beliefs, his situation.

BrickCoaching®, in particular, enriches the dialogue with the LEGO brick construction. Based on Neurocognitive and Neurolinguistic and narrative approaches, BrickCoaching® transform the difficulty of change into the pleasure of evolving.


  • Identify and manage situations of stress and anxiety

  • Define your project and success factors

  • Experience your creative intelligence and motivation levers

  • Finding your resources and allies to achieve the goal

Methodology and material

Brainstorming, creative problem solving, storytelling, NLP, Neurocognitive Approach, Photo Language, jolts, and LEGO bricks.


Face to Face in Paris: 4 to 6 sessions of 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Online: 4 to 6 sessions of 1 hour and 15 minutes..

for a project that suits your needs and meets your expectations!

Keep in touch

If you have questions or want to learn more

    Stay tuned

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    Playnbe: facilitazione e formazione

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