Change management
Client: the French subsidiary of a multinational B2B services company
Workshop change management
“Digital Solution Dynamics”
As a result of a change in business strategy, the company introduced a strategic range of digital products to which some salespeople have been refractory.
The objective of the workshop was to identify the brakes and change the perception of new products. During the workshop participants raised individual and collective interests in selling them, defined an action plan and everyone’s committed to its implementation.
The workshop was also the opportunity to get to know each other and to give and receive advices on effective selling. Thanks to strategic interactions everybody learnt a better way of working.
Finally, the sales representatives, in collaboration with their manager, committed to communicate and share the experience with colleagues in their agencies.
The workshop had visibility in the group at a global level.
Duration: one afternoon, 36 participants
Method: LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® with three facilitators
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